Building Resilience in Your Life

Increasing your self-awareness Take time out to refuel and focus on your own needs Knowing what is within and outside of your control Look for the silver lining Recall upon a time when you have shown resilience Learn to be grateful Affiliate yourself with other resilient people

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Taking Back Control

  Write a list of the things that are within and outside of your control Accept what is outside of your control and learn to let go Don’t strive for perfection it is rarely achievable Adopt a new perspective Review your priorities Learn new ways to manage stress Stop contemplating and take action

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Working through difficult emotions

Emotions are powerful because they have the ability to affect the way we think and act, but we don’t need to be a slave to our emotions.

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  Learn effective communication skills Acquire the vocabulary to express feelings and emotions Recognize they are worthy and likeable Appreciate that most people are trustworthy and well meaning

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  Recognize they are not responsible for the abuse they have suffered See that they are now safe Learn to trust and build healthy relationships Help their loved ones understand how to contribute to the healing

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Healthy Families

Build confidence in their abilities Positive friendships experience Achieve an understanding of who they are and where they come from Succeed at school Believe they are valued members of society

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